Job completed for Plumbing Contractor

Completion date: November 28, 2023

Location: Amarillo, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

They were facing a daunting invoice and needed solutions. The situation was critical as non-payment would result in their policy being cancelled.

Solutions provided:

I quickly found a solution to reduce their stress without risking their policy. I set up an installment plan allowing them to pay a large audit invoice over six months, separate from their regular payments. This kept their policy active and avoided collections.

The client was very grateful for the effort I put in. They appreciated that I went the extra mile to help them with their billing issue, clearly acting in their best interest. This situation shows the importance of empathy and dedication in our service, always putting our clients' needs first.

Brianna, Insurance Agent at Quote Texas Insurance

Team members on this project:

Brianna Jones